Bridgwater Town and District Skittles League
  The home of Wednesday Night Skittles

Watermans Garage, Spaxton
01278 671254

Kev Parsons Electrical
07765 887470

Globe Inn, North Petherton
01278 662999

Bird in Hand, Bridgwater
01278 451532

37 Club, Puriton
01278 685190

TJS Garden & Ground Maintenance
07853 261531

Harris Car Sales
01278 4284464


Rules Page

League Rules 1-10 League Rules 11-20 League Rules 21-30 League Rules 31-40 League Rules 41-49 Competition Rules Top of Page
1. NAME.

The League shall be called the Bridgwater Town and District Skittle League.



The objects for which the League is established is to provide an organised game of skittles for as many teams as possible within a reasonable and convenient distance of the town. The following rules shall be regarded as standing orders and shall not be rescinded in whole or in part without written approval of its officers and Management Committee. In the event of the League at any time ceasing to function, all perpetual trophies shall remain in the custody of the donors or next of kin, or in the case of trophies awarded to the League by Brewery Companies shall be returned to their custody. No perpetual trophy shall be sold or otherwise disposed of under any circumstances.



The income and property of the Society whence so ever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the League and no portion thereof shall be transferred directly or indirectly to members of the League, provided that (a) Prize money and trophies competed for under the rules of the League may be paid or transferred to members subject to the rules from time to time governing prize money and trophies and (b) the League may in Annual General Meetings approve payments to be made to the officers of the League or other persons to reimburse them for expenses of administration not otherwise reimbursed on a day to day basis.



If, upon the dissolution of the League, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the League, but subject to the provisions of Rule 1 governing trophies, shall be given or transferred to a charitable institution or other organisation with objects similar to the League and which institution or organisation shall have similar rules prohibiting distribution of income or property amongst its members.


That the officers of the League shall comprise President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, League Secretary, Match and Press Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary and Life Members.


That the Management Committee of the League shall comprise at the Officers and League members who from time to time shall be appointed to represent the various districts from which teams are entered. The decision or findings of the Management Committee in all disputes shall be final.


That the team representatives committee of the League shall comprise the officers, management committee and one appointed representative of each team in the League.


That all business of the League be referred to the League Secretary by letter or email who shall be empowered to discretionary deal with such business or alternatively refer to the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall be empowered to settle all business referred to them, but should discretionary seek the opinion of the team representatives committee in issue of major importance.


All teams, whether old or new, shall submit to the League Treasurer not later than the 15th of June the official team registration form entitled ‘'Application for admission / renewal of Membership”. The Annual General Meeting shall take place in July, and the League Secretary shall send seven clear days notice of this meeting to each club secretary whose name and address appears on the forms he has received from the Treasurer, The Management Committee appointed at the Annual General Meeting shall be under no obligation to accept any club that fails to return this form, correctly filled in, and within the stipulated time, neither shall they be under any obligation to accept a club that is not represented at the Annual General Meeting. .  Failure of a team to have a representative attending the AGM will result in a 3 points deduction at start of oncoming season. At the meeting each team shall be entitled to one vote only.

10. Empty

League Rules 1-10 League Rules 11-20 League Rules 21-30 League Rules 31-40 League Rules 41-49 Competition Rules Top of Page


The entry fee for each team shall be payable by the 15th June each year on the League entry form with the minimum of ten players. The entry fee shall be decided at the end of each season by the Management Committee and all existing teams will be notified. The entry fee may be altered at the A.G.M. if a proposition to this effect is received by the League Secretary seven days prior to the A.G.M. A deduction of 3 points will be levied for late entries at the start of the oncoming season. .


The latest date for acceptance of registration of players each season will be the 28th February, unless otherwise agreed.


No person should take part in any League fixture until he has been registered. Any team playing a person for whom no registration form has been received, or who has played for another team without having first obtained a transfer, shall forfeit any points gained but these shall not be transferred to the opposing side. Any team who knowingly enters a false name on a result card shall be liable to expulsion. Telephone registration to either the league secretary or the match and press secretary is permitted PRIOR to a game.  Any team playing a non-registered player shall have the pins from that player reduced to the score of a Mr x.  If this reduction shows the opposition to have scored more pins then the points shall be awarded to the opposition, otherwise the points shall be deducted from the offending team.


Once a player has actually played for a team, and wishes to play for another he shall inform the league secretary in writing or email and agreed and by both parties and committee.   He shall pay a transfer application fee of 50p which goes into League funds irrespective of whether or not the transfer is granted. The request shall be passed to the officer responsible for registrations who may grant the transfer if he is satisfied that his original team are prepared to release him. If not satisfied, the officer shall arrange for the player to appear before the management committee at their next meeting, and also invite the Secretary of the original team. The Committee's decision shall be final. Transfers may not be granted after the latest date for registration.



Only male persons above the age of sixteen shall be eligible for membership of the League. In the open pairs competition however, lady skittlers above the age of eighteen may take part. All players other than League members, who take part in this competition, become honorary guest members for that competition only.

15a.Teams may register players over the age of sixteen but under eighteen, but may not play more than 2 such players in any game or tournament.


It is hereby declared that the Officers or Management Committee or any other person connected therewith shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage or loss howsoever caused in respect of the actions or omissions of themselves or of their servants or agents or the players of any game governed by these rules nor in respect of the condition or state of repair of any of the premises or skittle alley.

17. It is hereby further declared that the rules herein contained do not form or imply any condition or warranty as to the safety or condition of the premises upon which any game governed by these rules is played or the system of play or otherwise.

18. The official registration form shall be signed by each team secretary stating that each team member has read a copy of the rules and agrees to abide by them.



In the interests of the League and the safety of its members, all teams shall engage a reliable source of transport, and the officers or committee shall not be held liable for any transport expenses, or expenses for any accident which may arise involving a League team.


All teams shall depart from their own headquarters in reasonable time to reach their destination, paying due regard to weather conditions. The advice of the opposing team to be sought re parking. In the event of a break­down every effort shall be made to notify the opposing side and the League Secretary by telephone as soon as possible.
League Rules 1-10 League Rules 11-20 League Rules 21-30 League Rules 31-40 League Rules 41-49 Competition Rules Top of Page
STANDARD OF ALLEYS. (these are advisory)
The pitchboard and the alley surface shall not be in such a state as would unreasonable divert the normal course of a ball delivered. There shall be no cracks, holes or even fillings.


The pitchboard shall be of wood 18 feet to 24 feet in length and 15 inches to 18 inches in width. The hockey or heel rest shall also be of wood 5 feet to 6 feet in length and 2 inches to 3 inches in width. It shall be set at the playing end of the alley and at least 20 feet but no more than 24 feet from the limit of the pitchboard and shall project at least 2 ½ inches above the level of the alley both in front and behind. No pitchboard or hockey shall become badly grooved or have protruding nails and there shall be no obstructions or attachments behind a hockey that would prevent any player acquiring his normal delivery stance, or cause him to trip and meet with an accident. The limit of the pitchboard shall be painted white.

23. PLATE.

The plate on which the nine pins are to be erected shall be three feet six inches square and set at right angles to the pitchboard. Nine circles each, 3 inches in diameter shall be carved in the plate. The distance from the centre of the ‘'front Pin'' circle to the centre of the ‘'rear pin'' circle shall be not less than 3 feet 9 inches and not more than 4 feet. The same distance shall apply from the “extreme left pin” circle to the ‘'extreme right pin'' circle. The five intermediate circles to be exactly half the total distance.

24. BALLS.

All skittle balls shall be of lignum vitae or hydra-vitae composition. (Composition rubber balls not acceptable). They shall pass inside a 6¾-inch diameter rigid ring, but not inside a 5¾-inch diameter rigid ring. They shall be round, un-biased, and shall not be distorted or chipped to an extent that would unreasonably divert their course. Any team may carry their own balls which they have full authority to use providing those available at any intended destination do not comply with this rule. (This rule to be read with rule 31e).

25. PINS.

All skittle pins shall be made of wood, and shall be the same size, shape and weight (except for the landlord pin). The maximum permitted size shall be 12 ½ inches long by 6 inch belly by 3 ¼ inch ends, and the minimum size shall be 11 ½ inches long by 5 ¾ inches belly by 2¾ inches ends.
The scoreboard shall be appropriately blackened and lined in white paint. A duster and fresh stick of chalk should always be available to the scorer on the occasion of a league match. The scoreboard should be positioned at a conveniently high level and in the most advantageous position for viewing by everyone taking part in the game.
All alleys shall have at least three lamps. One shall be immediately above the pins, and the actual light shall be reflected onto the pins. This light to be a minimum of 100 watts of electricity (or the equivalent thereto). A second light, which shall be reflected towards the pins, should prevail halfway along the alley, and a third light reflected towards the pins, above the middle of the pitchboard. Alleys over 60 feet in length to have 2 centre lights.

(a) No alley shall be more than 80 feet or less than 50 feet in length from the hockey to the front pin spot. There shall also be a minimum clearance of 3 feet behind the hockey and a pit behind the rear pin circle with a minimum clearance of 3 feet and depth of 6 inches.

(b) No playing surface shall be less than 5 feet 6 inches in width.

(c) The minimum accommodation space apart from the playing surface shall be 65 square feet.

(d) The minimum ceiling height shall be 7 feet 3 inches except for a distance extending up the alley from 10 feet past the hockey to 2 feet before the front pin circle where the minimum ceiling height shall be 6 feet 3 inches.

(e) No alley shall be in such a condition as to harass or impede the enjoyment of the players taking part, through draught, dampness, obstructions, etc.

(f) All alleys shall be equipped with heating facilities adequate enough to ensure the comfort of players on the colder evenings.

(g) All alleys to be cleaned prior to league matches.

(h) All alleys to be of the pitchboard and asphalt type. Any alley not of this construction may be admitted to the league ONLY after referral to the next league AGM

29. HANDS.
All League matches to be eight a side, each player throwing 7 hands (or 21 balls). The home side shall pitch off first completing one hand only. The visiting side shall then pitch off their first and second hands, completing the latter in reverse order. This method of skittling two complete hands, the latter of the two always in reverse order, shall subsequently be followed alternately by each side for the remainder of the match, until the visiting team's final hand, which will be a single one to complete the match.

(a) Any team failing to fulfil a fixture should notify their opponents and the League Secretary as soon as possible but within 24 hours before the start time of the match, except in unusual circumstances, i.e. sudden weather deterioration etc., when the opposing team Secretary must be informed as soon as possible but not more than 24 hours after the match start time. The match shall be mutually rearranged, to be played within one month or before the last match of the season whichever period is the nearest. The League Secretary should be notified of the date of the rearrangement. Any match not resolved will be the subject for the Management Committee consideration.

(b) It a team is one player short, they shall play their setter up providing he is registered.

(c) If a team is one player short besides their registered setter up they shall be allowed a score for the missing player that is equivalent to the lowest of the remaining seven throwers in this side, in each hand across the board. In all other instances of teams being short, rule 30a shall apply.

(d) No vacancies may be kept open after the second hand has been completed by both sides. No members may skittle off until the fifth hand has been so completed, and then only by consent of the opposing captain. (This rule to be read with rule 39).

(e) Should a team drop out of the League during the first half of the season, all fixtures played by that team shall be deleted from League records.

(f) Should a team fail to keep up its matches after playing more than half of them, then points shall be awarded to all teams they were due to meet in their remaining games.

(g) All matches shall be played exactly to the published fixtures. No team is permitted to negotiate playing any match on other than the published date, or reversing the match on the same date, without first obtaining the permission of the League Secretary in writing, application for which must be accompanied with a stamped addressed envelope. Matches played in non-compliance are void under all circumstances.

League Rules 1-10 League Rules 11-20 League Rules 21-30 League Rules 31-40 League Rules 41-49 Competition Rules Top of Page

(a) The visiting captain shall select the front pin for the match. For the purpose of identification it should be well marked. These markings must be renewed at the end of the visitors fourth hand. No confusing markings should prevail on other pins lying in the pit at the time the selection is made.

(b) If, in the visiting captain's opinion, a pin is badly worn, it should be marked in coloured chalk and always kept at the rear of the pack. If, due to accident, an odd pin has to be introduced, it should be kept at the rear of the pack, and it, during play, a pin rendered useless, and there is no other pin available, the match shall continue without a pin at the back of the pack.

(c) The visiting captain may chalk around the edges of the pitchboard, if, in his opinion, same are not clearly visible.

(d) Each captain shall ensure that two members of his side remain in the alley whilst opponents are in play, and should any dispute arise at which the two sides cannot agree; the game shall cease at that point and be referred to the committee. If a match is played on to a result, that result shall stand. Playing under protest is not allowed.

(e) Captains shall decide on the three balls to be used for the match prior to the pitch off. The three selected balls shall be the best of those available, and shall be used throughout the match, and any other balls moved out of the alley. (This rule to be read with rule 24).

The scoreboard shall be kept in white chalk alternately by the appointed member of each side “in play”. Figures shall be bold and plain and columns shall be double checked at the conclusion of each hand. Scorecards must be copied from the scoreboard which shall be the only record of the match to be recognised by the League unless it becomes lost. There is no objection to teams keeping scorebooks but these shall only be recognised if they agree with the card and the board. (This rule to be read with rule 41).

(a) All Players should wait until three balls are in the box before making their delivery, and shall use the three different balls available in each turn. If an opponent discovers a player throwing the same ball twice in one turn, he shall shout ‘'wrong ball” before that ball reaches the pins, otherwise it shall count.

(b) No player should deliver a ball until the setter up has cleared the plate and has stood back out of the way.

(c) All balls must contact the pitchboard direct from the throwers hand. The opposing side shall shout “off the board” when this is not complied with, and any pins that may fall shall be reset and the throw lost.

(d) Any ball that touches the side of the alley before it touches the pins shall be lost and the pins reset.

(e) A player may stand or run as far up the pitchboard as he likes to deliver the ball, which shall count providing it conforms with the remaining clauses under this heading.


(a) If a ball runs direct to the pins, deflects from pins struck to the side of the alley, and then rebounds to knock over more pins, all such pins shall count in favour of the thrower. Any pins that may similarly roll back from the side of the alley and cause further pins to fall, all to count.

(b) Once a ball has contacted the back of the alley, it is dead, and any pins that may fall as a result of a subsequent rebound shall be reset.


(a) If a pin is on its mark, but is still standing on the pin plate, the pin shall be playable in the position in which it remains.

(b) If any pin is completely off the plate it shall count as having been knocked down. To avoid dispute, the position shall always be reviewed by the captain, setter up, or other official of the opposing side who shall take the pin away if so agreed upon.


(a) If, after a throw, a pin is found to be leaning against another pin, but not properly down, the setter up shall not touch the pins, but shall call the game to a halt. The two captains shall then review the position. If no part of the belly of the pin is touching the ground, the pin shall be reset, otherwise the pin shall count as having fallen.

(b) If, on a narrow alley, a corner pin should fall at right angles against the side of the alley which prevents it from falling completely, that pin shall count in favour of the player.


(a) If a tottering or unbalanced pin should suddenly fall after a ball has left a players hand, it should count as having been struck by that ball unless “ball-back” is shouted by either side, in which case the pins shall be reset and the ball replayed.

(b) If a player delivers a ball before a setter up has completed his work and stood away from the pins, “ball- back” should be shouted by either side. If the ball has reached the pins before this is done it shall count, but otherwise it shall be replayed.

All teams shall remain quiet and orderly while opponents are in play. A captain may claim a match if harassing, shouting, or distracting remarks are uttered from the opposition, which in his opinion, is liable to distract a player in the course of delivering a ball. This unfair behaviour is not catered for in the League, who reserve the right to immediately expel any member reported in this connection.
Captains shall meet in the alleys by 8.15 p.m. to clear up the items in Rule 32. The home side shall have pitched off by 8.30 p.m. and from then onwards the game shall be continuous. If, during a match, a man unduly holds up the game through being absent when his turn is due, the Captain of the opposing side may direct the scorer to insert a score equivalent to the lowest of the remaining players in his side for that particular hand. If a player throws out of turn, his score shall be void. It a player falls sick, absents himself from the latter part of the game, or skittles on without permission, a score equivalent to the lowest of the remaining players in his side shall be inserted for the particular hands involved.

(a) Team players are responsible for the setters safety and well being

(b) It is the “home” setter up job to return the balls down the chute at all times.

(c) The setter up shall not return a ball down the chute until a player has completed his three throws, unless otherwise agreed to.

(d) A setter up shall never walk in front of the pins after completing his work.

(e) All dead pins shall be moved to the pit, and the setter up shall make sure everything is in order before he stands clear to await the thrower's next delivery. Once he has stood clear he shall make no further movement until the ball has been delivered. Standing pins up on the side of an alley in readiness for the next throw is not permitted.

(f) A setter up shall not pick up a pin until it has stopped rolling.

(g) Both setters up shall stand clear of the alley and pit on the appropriate side. No setter up may stand against the back cloth or on the unprotected side of the alley, as this is not only endangering himself, but is also liable to distract the thrower.

(h) Setters up should not express a view or give an opinion on any disputable issue unless asked by the team captain.

(i) A team may be allowed to sign on one MALE setter up per season aged 16 but under 18. He may skittle in any league match or competition.

(j) Setters up should be 14 years old or over.

(k). Setters must not change pins around once they have been set up unless previously marked.

(l) For League matches all team players shall pay their setter at least £2.50 per player per match.

(m) Should a team arrive at a fixture without a setter up they may approach the opposition for permission to use one setter up. In this case the fee payable to the setter up by the team without shall be fixed at £20

(n) The use of electronic devices during match play is not permitted.

League Rules 1-10 League Rules 11-20 League Rules 21-30 League Rules 31-40 League Rules 41-49 Competition Rules Top of Page
Scorecards shall be completed in ink by the secretary of the home side. At the conclusion of the match they shall be signed by the losing captain and handed to the winning captain. The winning captain must see that the card is sent to the Match & Press Secretary the same night by first class mail or, dropped off at the Lions Club, Bridgwater before 7pm on the Friday following the match.  Failure of a scorecard not reaching the Match & Press Secretary within six days of the match date will result in a void match being recorded.
The official match night of the League shall be Wednesday, and the first alternative night shall be Monday. Matches played after the last date fixed for the last match of the season in the Division to which they relate shall also be void, unless prior authorisation has been given.
That the winning club shall be awarded two points for a home win and three points for an away win and the losing club none. In the event of a tie each of the competing clubs shall be awarded one point. Abandon matches shall be replayed.

(a) Should two teams tie for the League Championship, for promotion or for relegation, they must play off on a spacious neutral alley to be decided by the Management Committee.

(b) Should three teams tie, the match to be a three cornered event. (24 men). An Official shall select the front pin. All three Captains to throw a coin, the odd coin to represent the team to throw first, the remaining captains to toss again for second and third. The first team skittles one hand only. The second team then skittles two complete hands, then the third team two complete hands, and this shall continue until each team finishes by throwing the last hand in turn. Each team to provide their own stickers up, but only two shall work at a time. Each shall stick up when the team before his own is in play, also when his own team is in play. As soon as his own team has finished playing he shall rest until the next team has finished. When his own team is playing he shall be responsible for returning the balls. If any teams tie on total scores, an extra hand or hands to be thrown until decided.

(c) If more than three teams tie, the method of playing off shall be decided by the League Management Committee in the presence of representatives of each of the teams concerned

No money of any description shall be paid to other than the League Treasurer in cheques or crossed postal orders. Under no circumstances shall the officers of the League be held liable for any debts incurred by any League Club or League Member.
That the two teams in the League Tables at the end of each season shall exchange places with the teams in order of merit from the Division(s) immediately below them. In the event of further vacancies, further teams in order of merit shall move up also. All divisions shall have a minimum of 14 teams and a maximum of 16 teams except the “bottom” or “last” division, which shall have a minimum of 12 teams and a maximum of 18 teams, and which may be split into two sections of not more than 36 teams if so agreed. If there is one position to fill in a higher division and two teams outside of normal promotion ties for that honour, it will be decided on the number of away wins and if equal then by the number of away pins hit over the whole of the season.


All Perpetual Championship Trophies shall be cleaned each season by committee volunteers.. They shall be awarded to the custody of the League Clubs subject to their always taking the utmost care regarding safety and maintenance of the trophies. The Management Committee reserve the right to withdraw any trophy that appears to be tarnished, or damaged through misuse and that the team or individual shall be responsible for any costs incurred in restoration of these trophies.

If a side plays in a name suggestive of the premises at which they play their home matches, and wish to change their alley, they shall also change their name and start as a new team. If a team in the League is, however, playing under its own private name or nom-de-plume, it may change ifs alley from season to season and retain divisional status, providing only that 60 per cent or more of their previous season's League Members have been re-signed.
If a team changes alley halfway through a season or a team playing under their pub name wishes to transfer alleys all decisions will be referred to the management committee who will treat each case on its individual merits.  This rule will supersede any rules regarding alley or name changes.

That the League Management Committee shall allocate prize allowances for winners and runners up each year according to the funds available, and that secretaries of these successful teams shall decide with the League Secretary from catalogues or sample prizes to be obtained by him, a prize which, when valued in relation to the number of members in the club, will more or less equal the amount of such prize allowance. Should the Secretary of any team be unable to co-operate with the League Secretary in agreeing upon and ordering quickly the miniatures considered most suitable, the League Secretary shall be empowered to take the initiative in this matter.
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At the discretion of the League Management Committee, supplementary championships per the foregoing rules shall be promoted annually:

(a)  All competition players who wish to enter must have played at least three league games during the current season, this does not apply to the Open Pairs competition.

(b) That the entry be made on the correct official League entry form, and sent to the League Treasurer by the specified closing date with correct entry fee.

(c) That rounds be played on neutral alleys to be arranged by the Competition Secretary from the information available on entry forms.  When making the draws he shall, as far as possible, avoid any team or player from visiting the same neutral alley on more than one occasion in the same contest.

(d) Team Secretaries wishing their own home alley included in the draws for various rounds, shall list all the dates it is available for use on their entry form, after relating Rule 3 of each championship with the current calendar.  Having done this, they shall make sure that the alley is kept in reserve for the League on all the dates listed until the draw sheet for the particular championship concerned has been issued.  No matter what the reason may be, should any alley not be available on any date a team secretary may have listed as reserved, the onus for making satisfactory alternative arrangements with the teams and/or players shall lie with that team secretary, although the Competition Secretary should give every help and assistance he can.

(e) Except for Pairs Championship draws which shall be published at League Headquarters the Competition Secretary shall endeavour to forward printed copies of all draws without undue delay to the Secretaries of the Teams taking part.  He shall also forward copies of all the draws to the Press, but not be held responsible for errors or omissions in publication.  He shall at all times be prepared to answer all telephone enquiries made to his private address.

(f) Substitution in the Single Pin and Hooper Cup Championships shall be permitted, providing a player has not already skittled. In both Pairs Championships, one of the two names listed may be similarly substituted.

(g) The sticker up fee for EACH player will be at least £2.50.  The first round sticker-up fee will be paid along with the entry fee for the competition (Not applicable to Bill Creedy Knock-Out Cup or Nomination Cup).

Single Pin Nomination Cup Hooper Cup Coronation Pairs Open Pairs Whitbread Trophy Top of Page

1.  Closing date for entries is 16th September.

2.  Entries restricted to teams exactly as registered for League Matches.

3.  Rounds to be played every three weeks on Monday nights, commencing the second Monday in October.

4.  Alleys shall not be zoned.

5.  Captains shall toss before starting to decide which team shall open the match. Captains losing the toss shall pick out three pins from which the other Captain selects the front pin.

6.  The last hand shall be played down man for man. In the event of a tie, a further completed hand or hands shall be skittled until decided.

7.  Setter up of team “in play” to return the balls at all times.

8.  Winning Captains to post the result card within 24 hours.

9.  Any points not covered by these rules to be taken from general rules, and be subject to confirmation by the League Secretary or Management Committee in the event of disputes.


1.  Closing date for entries is 16th September.

2.  Entries restricted to League Members only.

3.  Rounds to be played every three weeks on Monday nights commencing the third Monday in October.

4.  Early rounds shall be zoned as far as possible to reduce travelling. A group of players entering from the same club shall be kept together as far as possible, providing scope exists for all players from any one club to qualify for the next round.

5.  Entrants to be drawn to play off in groups of at least eight, and not more than fifteen.  Under no circumstances shall fewer than 50 % of the total number of contestants on each alley fail to qualify.  Players unable to attend on the appointed night, forfeit their place regardless of circumstances.

6.  Play shall commence not later than 8.15 p.m.  Competitors drawn to play together shall appoint one Member to act as Referee-in-Charge.  The Referee's decision on all matters, including punctuality, dispute or any other item not included in these rules shall be final, but subject to confirmation by the League Secretary or Management Committee in the event of an appeal.  The Referee shall send a copy of the result to the League Secretary within 48 hours.

7.  Order of play shall be determined by the Referee placing playing cards face downwards and inviting Competitors to draw for position on the Scoreboard.  For the first hand the player who draws an Ace shall pitch off first, but on the second hand the player who draws a 2 shall pitch off first and the Ace last of all. For the third hand the player who draws a 3 shall pitch off first, and the 2 last of all and so on.

8.  The game is commenced by each player in turn throwing three balls at the front pin. Players who hit three times score 3, twice score 2, or once score 1.  Three misses score 0.  Setter up should always keep spare pins available to quickly replace those knocked over.  After each man has had his turn at the front pin, the second player (see rule 7) commences the second hand by throwing three times at the left back quarter pin.  Thus play is continuous for nine hands, representing the various pins around the pack, to be set up in the following order:- 1st Front Pin, 2nd Left Back quarter, 3rd Right Corner, 4th Back Pin, 5th Left Front Quarter, 6th Right Back Quarter, 7th Left Corner, 8th Right Front Quarter, 9th Landlord.  Note:- On the 9th hand the Landlord Pin (not an ordinary pin) to be used.  In the event of a tie, three extra balls must be thrown by the player(s) involved, the first at the Left Corner, second at the Landlord, and third at the Right Corner, this to be repeated if necessary until decided.  Only the one appropriate pin must be stuck up for each ball (not all three together).

9.  Any player arriving late shall be allowed a score equivalent to the lowest of the remaining players, for each hand missed.

Single Pin Nomination Cup Hooper Cup Coronation Pairs Open Pairs Whitbread Trophy Top of Page

1.  Closing date for entries is 17th December.

2.  Teams shall be four a side, and restricted to League Members only, but not necessarily from the same League Club.  Names are not required, but once a member has skittled for one team, he shall not be permitted to play for another, neither shall he be permitted to skittle in any round which may be drawn on his own “home” alley.  In order to avoid this possibility, teams are asked to list additional alleys on their entry forms when it is intended to play members of another club.

3.  Rounds to be played every three weeks on Monday nights commencing the third Monday in January.

4.  Early rounds shall be zoned as far as possible to reduce travelling.

5.  Skittling is exactly the same as for ordinary League matches; every time the stone is cleared the full pack is stuck up.  In no instances whatever, except where a setter up knocks over pins by accident, or from a rebound from the back of the alley, are any odd pins or part of a pack stuck up.

6.  The only difference from an ordinary skittle match is the method of scoring.  Pins count only when the pin which is aimed for is hit and knocked downfirst.  When the pin aimed for is missed, any other pins that fall are not stuck up again (except in the case of a spare) and do not count in the player's score.

7.  Should a player miss the pin aimed for with his first ball, but clear the stone for a spare with his second ball, he gets the full pack up again for his last ball, but only the pins knocked down by his second and third balls count in his favour, and then only providing the pin aimed for has been hit first in either or both cases (i.e. If with only the second ball, those pins only, or, if with only the last ball, those pins only).

8.  It is unnecessary for a thrower to nominate his pin every time he throws, providing of course, that he always intends to aim for the pin “in play”.  As long as the front pin is up, this shall be accepted as the pin “in play” after this is down the front quarter then landlord then corner then back quarter in that order.  If more than one quarter or corner are in play and it is not reasonably clear to the opposition which side of the alley he intends playing, a member of the opposing side should ask him to state this before he COMMENCES to deliver a ball.

9.  In the event of a tie, extra hand or hands to be thrown until settled.

10.  Teams must settle their own disputes.  No protests will be entertained, and unless a result card, signed by the losing captain, is in the League Secretary's hands within 48 hours, he shall omit both sides from the Championship.  This is a condition of entry binding on all teams.


1.  Closing date for entries is 17th December.

2.  The Championship is an Individual knock out contest, skittling to be exactly as for league matches.

3. Rounds shall be played in parallel to the Nomination cup, and shall take place as far as possible on the same alley or adjacent alley, the same night.  When this is not possible, the round shall take place the following Monday.
4.  Early rounds shall be zoned as far as possible to reduce travelling.

5.  Winning players to notify the result within 48 hours.

6.  In the event of a tie, extra hand or hands to be thrown to decide.

7.  Rules 4 and 5 under “Coronation Pairs” apply singularly to this Championship.

Single Pin Nomination Cup Hooper Cup Coronation Pairs Open Pairs Whitbread Trophy Top of Page


1.  Closing date for entries is 1st April.

2.  The Championship is a Pairs knock out contest, skittling to be exactly as for League matches.

3.  The contest is restricted to League Members only, not necessarily from the same Club.

4.  Rounds shall be played fortnightly on league alleys outside the town which are up to league standards, commencing the first Wednesday in May. Early rounds shall be zoned and couples from the same club kept together as far as possible to reduce travelling.

5.  Any couple unable to wait more than 10 minutes from the stipulated starting time may claim a match over absent opponents, providing only that this can be confirmed by signatures on the result card of at least one other couple from another club who may be playing on the same alley.  Once the card has been signed no dispute or protest will be entertained.  Players can stay in the skittle alley without having to replay the match.

6.  Any couple unable to play on the appointed night, shall be permitted to negotiate with opponents with a view to playing the match at any time prior to the night of the next round, but if opponents are unable to agree on a suitable alternative night or for any reason whatever the alternative arrangements break down, the benefit of the match shall go in favour of the couple who were asked to make the change.

7.  Result cards must be posted in the special envelope provided the same night as the games are played. The envelope should not be held back for any match that may be postponed, the card for that game to be taken out and mailed separately, the couple making the postponement to be responsible for postage.

8.  No protest or disputes entertained. In the event of a tie, extra hand or hands to be thrown until decided, the additional hands to follow on in the same sequence as played throughout.


Rules for the Open Pairs Championships shall be exactly the same as for the Coronation Pairs, except that rounds will take place fortnightly on any skittle alley in Bridgwater that is up to League standard.  Rounds shall commence on the last Wednesday in April.  The Championship shall be open to all skittlers above the age of 18, and “Lady and Gent ” couples and “Two Ladies” couples shall be drawn separately, and on separate alleys until the final stages of the Championship, providing they are clearly and separately listed on the entry forms.  All alleys shall be reserved by the Team Secretary prior to the initial draw, and whilst every effort will be made to avoid couples playing on a “home” alley, or on the same alley twice, this is not guaranteed.  Copies of the draw to be posted up at League Headquarters, these only to be accepted as bona-fide.


1.  This will be played as for normal League match with the Front Pin being omitted.

2.  Closing date for entries is 17th December.

3.  Entries restricted to League Members only.

4.  Rounds to be played every three weeks on Monday nights commencing the third Monday in October.

5.  Early rounds shall be zoned as far as possible to reduce travelling. A group of players entering from the same club shall be kept together as far as possible, providing scope exists for all players from any one club to qualify for the next round.

6.  Entrants to be drawn to play off in groups of at least eight, and not more than fifteen. Under no circumstances shall fewer than 50 % of the total number of contestants on each alley fail to qualify.  Players unable to attend on the appointed night, forfeit their place regardless of circumstances.

7.  Play shall commence not later than 8.15 p.m.  Competitors drawn to play together shall appoint one Member to act as Referee-in-Charge.  The Referee's decision on all matters, including punctuality, dispute or any other item not included in these rules shall be final, but subject to confirmation by the League Secretary or Management Committee in the event of an appeal  The Referee shall send a copy of the result to the League Secretary within 48 hours.

8.  Order of play shall be determined by the Referee placing playing cards face downwards and inviting Competitors to draw for position on the Scoreboard.  For the first hand the player who draws an Ace shall pitch off first, but on the second hand the player who draws a 2 shall pitch off first and the Ace last of all.  For the third hand the player who draws a 3 shall pitch off first, and the 2 last of all and so on.


Champion of Champions will be played as per normal League match rules.  The winner of each division will be invited to take part.  A draw will be held to decide the matches and alleys.  The number of matches will be dependent upon the number of divisions being contested.

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